May 2013

Posted by Paul and Jenny Stoker

My parents came and had a short, not relaxing visit with us a few weeks ago and this is some of what we did. First was Uncle Jake's graduation from boot camp. We drove to Ft. Jackson, South Carolina with my parents and saw Jake march across the parade ground with about 200 other graduates.

                                              Sorry I did not take as many pictures of my
                                              parents or Jake. I never realize these things until after the

                                             After we finished with Jake's visit he had to be off to Virginia
                                             for the next part of his training and we all went back to Atlanta
                                             for one more night and some fun and the Aquarium.

I really wish I had taken more picture of my kids with my parents. Now I am kicking myself. Well anyway, we did have a lot of fun while they were here. My mom is planning another visit in July and I am going to try and get my dad to come along, so we will see. We always enjoy it when family comes to visit, we dont get to see them very often, living on the other side of the country. (So you would think I would remember to take more pictures.)