We are very happy to announce the arrival of our newest family member, Brynn Lee Stoker.
Here is the story for those of you who don't know it. If you dont want to know the details then skip ahead to the pictures. I am going to write out just what happened so that I wont forget.
It all began when I went to my doctors appointment on Friday morning. Where I was hooked up to monitors to check my contractions, the babies movement and heart rate. The doctor then checked me to see if I was dilated. At this point I was told that I was 6 centimeters dilated. The doctor looked at me funny and asked if I was sure I was not in any pain, since I was so far dilated. I informed him I was fine. At this point the doctor told me he was not comfortable with letting me walk around dilated to a 6 so he asked me to meet him at the hospital and he would break my water.
Then the fun began. I called Paul, who was just leaving town, and told him to turn around and meet me at home. Many phone calls were then made to my very wonderful and dependable friends, so that Gavin and Sidney would be taken care of for the next several hours while Paul and I were at the the hospital.
Once at the hospital all seemed to be going fine and as normal as my deliveries seemed to be, so far. I again was hooked up to monitors and had an IV put in my hand (which, by the way, is way more painful than the epidural) and an epidural put in my back. All seemed well and good. Then as I was just about to close my eyes to take a nap (since these things can take awhile), the nurse came hurrying back in and was checking the heart rate monitor and then she and another nurse began telling me to roll to one side and then the other. The nurse then said the babies heart rate had dropped and she was trying to move her around to get the rate back up. At this point the doctor came in and advised us that this was not normal and if it continued then we would have to do an emergency C-section. At these words I got really nervous, things like this usually don't phase me, but I really did not want a C-section. I looked at Paul and told him I hope we don't have to do it, he advised me he would prefer not too either, but that we would if that would be best. I said a silent prayer that this would not have to happen, but that the baby would be safe.
A few short minutes later the decision was made to do the C-section. This is when things changed dramatically. All of a sudden we went from the calm of just a few people in the room to several people moving around doing many things at once and saying many things that I did not hear. All this fast movement made me even more nervous and of course Paul was taken away to change into some scrubs and mask, so he was not there to tell me I was over reacting and to calm down.
I was then taken to another room where I was splayed out on the operating table and a curtain was put up in front of my face. Paul was able to come in then and hold my hand, which was the best medicine ever and within what seem just a few minutes I heard the most wonderful sound of Brynn crying for the first time. She was out, safe and healthy. What more could I ask for?
The doctor told me that it seemed the placenta was starting to detach early and that is why the babies heart rate kept going down. At hearing this we were all very glad that the c-section was done and Brynn was safe.
5 years ago
OOOHHH! I cant stand this! I wish I was there to hold and snuggle her! She is so cute, I love that first picture of Paul showing her to you!
Congrats Jenny! Wow! What a crazy delivery story. I always assume each birth keeps getting easier and easier but each baby is so different and has their own way of coming into the world! :) so glad that everything ended up fine. Now you have another beautiful baby girl! :) I'm so happy for your beautiful little family!
That's a pretty great story... a little too exciting for my taste, though! I am so glad each of you are safe and happy. That is definitely the important part. She is really super cute! I love seeing the other kids checking her out.
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