4 weeks long

Posted by Paul and Jenny Stoker

My mom came to visit and help with the new baby. I had told her not to worry about coming several months ago, because everything went so smooth and easy when I had Sidney, that I did not think it necessary that my mom make the trip out. But, a few weeks before my due date I told my mom that she could come if she wanted to (like I was doing her a favor). Looking back I really believe that Heavenly Father was watching out for me, because when Paul went back to work I don't know how I would have survived without my mom here. I am so grateful for her and all our family and friends that have been there for us these last 4 weeks.

Gavin has been playing t-ball the last couple of months. He really liked it and can't wait for the spring season to play again.

We love are little Brynn more than ever and are so thankful to have her in our home and family. Gavin and Sidney love to hold her and help in anyway they can with the baby. We are trying to get into our new routine of having an extra little person to care for daily, but we love it.


Jen West said...

So sweet! I am so glad your mom was able to go out. I am sure it was a favor for her AND you :) Have fun with those sweeties!