I realize that I have not blogged about my pregnancy much. So here is an update. I am in the home stretch at 37 weeks. I had a doctors appointment today and it sounds like this little girl should be here in the next 1-2 weeks. We still have not settled on a name, but I have one on backup. If Paul can't come up with one that we both like by the time she is here, I think I might just go ahead and put my choice on the birth certificate.
There really has not been a whole lot going on here lately, so here are some pictures of the last few weeks.
5 years ago
That grass is amazing, and I like the dinosaur in the bath. My vote for a name is Savhanna Lynn.
I love that your 2 babes look so different from each other. Maybe #3 will be the one that ties their looks together... maybe straight red hair or curly blonde? good luck with the last few weeks!
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