Halloween 2011

Posted by Paul and Jenny Stoker

I love Halloween. I love picking costumes, I love the candy, I love trick or treating and I love the carving of the pumpkin. Halloween is just a fun holiday for the kids and so I love it.

I know she should have a bow on so that people know she is a girl, but her head is still to little for all the bows I have.

Sidney and her friend Conner Noel at the truck or treat.

Sidney had pink hair and pink boots and people still called her little dude or asked me if she was a boy or girl. I just don't understand, because she is in PINK.

Gavin was awesome. He has been telling us that he wanted to be Mario for Halloween for about 6 months, but of course we got to Walmart to late and the costumes had been picked over good. We could not find Mario, so then Gavin said he would be a pirate. Well there were no pirate costumes in his size. The only costume we could find in his size was this transformer costume, so Gavin said he would be a transformer. We offered to take him to another store so he could find the Mario costume, but he was very happy and satisfied with being a transformer. I heard a lot of stories from from friends of their kids having meltdowns over their costumes not being just right, so I am so thankful for my little transformer and his easy going attitude.


Julz said...

Love Sid's costume!