November 2012

Posted by Paul and Jenny Stoker

This month of course has gone by very quickly, so here are a few pictures from November.

These girls love each other so much and are so stinking cute.

Gavin really does a good job letting Sidney play with him. (most of the time)

This past weekend we decided to paint some areas of the house and the hall was one of them. I don't know if you can see it, but there are two little hand prints on the wall. Sidney put them there about a year ago and even though it looked messy, I really liked having them there.

We mad turkey hat for Thanksgiving and the kids went around saying gobble, gobble. Also, you may have noticed that Sidney is mostly in her underwear in these pictures. Let me explain that this girl really does not like cloths on. I dress her in the morning, but within a few minutes she is stripped to her undies.

We also set up our Christmas lights, which was great, cause it entertains the kids for a good chunk of the day.

Every year Gavin is right up there on the ladder, helping dad.

Brynn really never falls asleep without being in her car seat or bad, so she must have been really wiped out.

The lights always look great and the kids love looking at them every night.

Gavin told everyone to be quiet, so he could meditate. What a weirdo.

Then came the tree.

This little bugger is going to be a problem. Hopefully she looses interest after a couple of days.