August 2012

Posted by Paul and Jenny Stoker

Well August has come and gone, so here are a few pictures from this last month.
Gavin took his karate test and is now a green belt. He really enjoys it and can look so serious when he is in practice or testing. Even though he is always the smallest one there, he can do the moves just as good or better than the older kids. We are so proud of him and is accomplishments.

Brynn is usually a big goof, but since she has been teething she can also be a bit of a grouch. So, she is lucky that she is cute.

With Gavin gone at school most of the day, these girls are becoming good friends and play all day together.

Gavin's new thrill is the X-Men. He runs around the house pretending he is one of the X-men, doing awesomely sweet moves.

Every time Sidney puts on her super girl costume she wants me to take a picture, but I have to hold her back long enough to take it. Because she wants to see the picture before it is taken.

Brynn has hit the age where she wants to do what the other kids are doing so when she sees them in capes, she wants one on too.

Play-dough is messy, but it is worth a good hour of entertainment, so I deal with it.

Brynn also has been wanting to wrestle with dad, just like the big kids.

I have a friend move this month and she said she was getting a new piano when they get into their new home, so I was the lucky winner of her old one. Sidney is in love.

Paul had his 34th birthday this month and for his present he got his first hand gun. Now he has hours of research do on it, because that is what he does.