What a Week

Posted by Paul and Jenny Stoker

This week has been so much fun/work, but sooooo much fun.

We started the week off with some home repair and painting a kitchen. This was a lot of work, mainly for Paul. (I knew I kept him around for a reason) It is so nice to have a husband who cares about the quality of home we have and is willing to spend his weekends making it nice.

The kids and I then headed to the beach for a long beach day. Again soooo much fun.

Yes, Gavin was really far out there and yes is scared me.

We then had some good Easter fun with friends.

I have to say that in this picture, Sidney had just drank some of the Easter egg dye. Can we say gross.


Brenden+Nikki said...

Aah access to a beach. I'm so jealous.

Julz said...

Drank the easter dye...classic and that picture at the end her experession left me laughing...she's like you were!